Teka-teki: baby girl ker baby boy?


Sekarang dah masuk minggu ke 24, masih belum scan tuk tahu samaada baby girl atau baby boy..mesti ramai antara kita yg sedang mengandung berteka-teki samaada mengandungkan baby girl atau baby boy kan... selalunya bagi bakal2 ibu yg baru pertama kali mengandung debaran nak tahu baby boy atau baby girl tu lebih lg la kan terutama bila orang sekeliling memberikan bermacam2 tekaan berdasarkan perubahan badan kita la, gaya pemakanan kita la, bentuk perut kita la dan macam2 lagi la..dan ade juga yg tak sabar2 nak pergi scan nak tahu kemungkinan mengandungkan anak perempuan atau anak lelaki kan??

Tak kira la mengandungkan anak yg ke berapa sekali pun pasti terdetik kat hati kita baby yg kita tgh kandungkan tu baby girl atau baby boy, mungkin ade sesetengah orang bila dah anak pertama girl mengaharapkan yg kedua boy, tu normal kan, dalam pada mulut kata tak kisah pasti terdetik juga keinginan  jantina anak yg kita inginkan, betul ker?

Cam saya masa mengandung anak pertama dulu memang perasaan tu kuat kata baby girl lagipun kalau ikut pemakanan pun memang suka makan yg manis2 terutama coklat, dan scan pun doktor kata baby girl, tapi bila mengandung kali kedua, perasaan memang kuat kata anak lelaki dan time ni memang suka makan buah oren (ganti asam la) tapi bila doktor scan kata baby girl cam tak percaya jer cakap doktor tu, dan lahir2 lelaki salah scan la, lagipun masa scan tu pun doktor cakap tak berapa jelas nampak cam perempuan...dan kendungan kali ni plak perasaan kata baby girl, tgk la time scan nanti doktor cakap apa...cuma kalau citer bab pemakanan tak ketara sgt cam balance, trimester pertama dulu suka makan yg masam2 dan bila dah masuk trimester kedua suka dua2 yg masam dan manis dan nak masuk trimester ketiga ni suka makan yg manis2 plak..ikutkan tak kisah lagipun dah ade sepasang kan, kalau tanya Safiyya dia nak adik perempuan, rifqi kalau tanya pun tak faham apa lagi...hihihi

Ok la kat sini nak kongsi sedikit prediction orang lama2 secara general la, tak ingat dah ambil kat mana sebab simpan ni dari masa mengandungkan rifqi dulu...malas nak translate..kalau nak tahu lebih lagi pasal prediction ni boleh cari kat search engine, type jer "old Wife tale prediction" nanti banyak la yg kuar, ade yg berbentuk quiz berbentuk article berbentuk perkiraan berdasarkan tarikh lahir la, pendek kata macam2 jenis la...

Kat bawah ni contoh predictionnya la...

Fun Gender Prediction Methods

  • If your left breast is bigger than the right during pregnancy, you're having a GIRL. If the right is bigger, it'll be a BOY. If they are the same size, you're in for a surprise!
  • If you get moody during pregnancy you are more likely to have a GIRL. This is because all women are moody, and when carrying a GIRL you become doubly so.
  • If you carry the baby out front (others cant see your pregnancy from behind) then you will have a BOY. If others can tell that you are pregnant when looking at you from behind, then you will have a GIRL.
  • Have the mom-to-be pick up a key. If she picks it up by the round end, it will be a BOY. If she picks it up by the long end, it will be a GIRL. Should she pick it up at the middle, twins are on the way.
  • If the mother's age at conception and the year of conception are both even or both odd, the baby is a GIRL. If one is even and one is odd, the baby is a BOY.
  • Ask the mom-to-be to pick a number. Match the number with the corresponding letter of the alphabet (A=1, B=2 etc). Then ask her to choose a name beginning with that letter. If she chooses a BOYs name, it will be a BOY. If she chooses a GIRLs name, it will be a GIRL.
  • Hang a gold pendant (preferably one the mother wears often) over the palm of the mothers hand. If the pendant moves in a circular motion, it will be a GIRL. If it swings back and forth, a BOY is on the way.
  • If the mom-to-be was the more aggressive partner when the baby was concieved, it will be a BOY. If the father was the more aggressive, the baby will be a GIRL.
  • If you suffer from acne during pregnancy, you will have a GIRL.
  • What side does the mum-to-be lay on while she's resting? If she lies on her left, it's a BOY; on her right, it's a GIRL.
  • If young BOYs (pre-school age) show interest in you while you're pregnant, it will be a GIRL. If they ignore you, expect a BOY.
  • Ask the mom-to-be to show you her hands. If she shows them palms up, it's a GIRL; palms down, a BOY.
  • If you dream of GIRLs, you will have a BOY. If you dream of BOYs, you will have a GIRL.
Kat bawah ni pulak result untuk saya plan nak dapat baby apa dari satu web tak ingat dah web mana , isi maklumat yg dia nak then secara automatik dia generate dan dapat la result cam kat bawah ni tuk 4 tahun...so kalau ikut kat bawah ni tahun 2009 memang saya dah dapat baby boy (cam betul jer kan jadual ni) dan tuk tahun 2011 dijangka dapat baby girl (sbb due dijangka bulan tiga)...

Baby Gender Planner created your conception calendar for the next 4 years:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

boy boy boy boy boy
2009 boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy
2010 boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy
2011 boy girl girl girl girl girl girl girl girl girl boy boy
2012 boy boy boy boy boy boy boy

If you want a girl you should try to conceive during months indicated by girl. If you want a boy you should try to conceive during months indicated by boy.

Ni cuma tuk suka2 jer tak de la nak percaya seratus peratus pun, Apa2 hal tunggu baby dah lahir nanti baru tahu mengena tak jadual kat atas ni ngan saya kan...

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Untuk suka suki: Rancang jantina anak...


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