Bila ajal menjemput.......

Selamat malam.....

Tajuk entry ni tak de kena mengena ngan saya or orang terdekat pun cuma sebagai renungan kita bersama jer...ya la kita tak tahukan bila ajal kita ..tah esok tah lusa belum tentu yg tua akan pergi dulu dan yg muda akan hidup sampai ke tua....

Bila??? Dimana??? Bagaimana??? kita akan mati kita sendiri pun tak tahu..apa yg pasti ajal tu tetap akan datang menjemput kita jugak tak kira samaada kita dah bersedia atau belum..cukup atau kurang amalan yg kita dah buat....yg pasti setiap dari kita menginginkan satu kematian yg bilamana malaikat mencabut nyawa kita..nyawa kita tu dicabut dengan cara yg lembut maksudnya kita tak merasa azab or kesakitan semasa roh kita meninggalkan badan yg terbujur kaku...dan kalau boleh juga kita semua berharap tak meninggal dalam keadaan yg mengaibkan....betulkan???

Kat bawah ni sy nk kongsi satu video berkait ngan ajal ni...kisah seorang lelaki yg meninggal selepas selesai solat sunat (kalau tak silap) dalam keadaan bersujud..didalam masjid pada hari jumaat yg cukup mulia...semoga roh nya ditempatkan dikalangan orang2 yg soleh...Amin...

Kat bawah ni lirik lagu tuk lagu latar video ni....

LAST BREATH by Brother ahmed Bukhatir

From those around I hear a Cry,
A muffled sob, a Hopeless sigh,
I hear their footsteps leaving slow,
And then I know my soul must Fly!
A chilly wind begins to blow,
Within my soul, from Head to Toe,
And then, Last Breath escapes my lips,
It's Time to leave. And I must Go!
So, it is True (But it's too Late)
They said: Each soul has its Given Date,
When it must leave its body's core,
And meet with its Eternal Fate.
Oh mark the words that I do say,

Who knows? Tomorrow could be your Day,
At last, it comes to Heaven or Hell
Decide which now, Do NOT delay!
Come on my brothers let us pray
Decide which now, Do NOT delay!
Oh God! Oh God! I cannot see!
My eyes are Blind! Am I still Me
Or has my soul been led astray,
And forced to pay a Priceless Fee
Alas to Dust we all return,
Some shall rejoice, while others burn,
If only I knew that before
The line grew short, and came my Turn!
And now, as beneath the sod
They lay me (with my record flawed),
They cry, not knowing I cry worse,
For, they go home, I face my God!
Oh mark the words that I do say,
Who knows, Tomorrow could be your Day,
At last, it comes to Heaven or Hell
Decide which now, Do NOT delay !
Come on my brothers let's pray
Decide which now, do not delay ....


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